Sunday, November 2, 2008

Blackeyed susan, etc.

1. Grateful for God and all that helps me get through a day
2. Grateful to be able to help with canvassing this weekend and a fist bump
3. Grateful that black-eyed susan can grow in sun or shade
4. Grateful that butterfly weed is a good native option also

Order seed of this species from Native American Seed and help support the Wildflower Center.

I understand that susan is one of the most common native wildflowers in America. Here are some more. I'm happy to see coneflowers on the list. We have some purple coneflowers already.
Castilleja (paintbrushes) - concentrated in the west
Echinacea (coneflowers) - concentrated centrally and covering much of the east
Gaillardia (Indian blankets) - centrally concentrated
Helianthus (sunflowers) - continent-wide
Lupinus (lupines, bluebonnets) - concentrated in the west
Monarda (mints) - almost continent-wide
Ratibida (Mexican hats) - centrally concentrated
Rudbeckia (Susans, coneflowers) - concentrated in the east

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