Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Русский ковчег

1. Grateful to God and all that gets me through a day
2. Grateful that Barb won the Dove muffin mix at Rainforest event
3. Grateful that I saw Russian Ark (Русский ковчег)

Arrive at Rainforest, register, and go to drinks area

Wait about 10 minutes before doors open for buffet dinner

Go to dining area which is amidst rainforest displays

Find a table that is not reserved

Save the spots at our table which has cheese balls and Doritos

Get more drinks including Merlot that is complimentary

Get in line for buffet table that is near bat exhibit that is impressive

Fill plates with food that includes salad, nice green beans (Barb likes these), pasta pesto, pasta marinara, chicken, meat balls (Alex likes these)

Participate in raffle events that include bingo, door prizes, etc. but all four of us are in a word CONFUSED about the events - more to come on this - also walk through the really beautiful and well-maintained Rainforest exhibits several times as we have the place to ourselves which is a very, very good thing

Barb's name is called as she wins a truly wonderful Dove chocolate muffin kit and adorable stuffed camel

Evening was pleasant. May repeat again next year. This is the 14th year this fund raiser was held. Main prize is $2000. About 200 people participate.

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