Saturday, August 18, 2007


Directions to Bonn.

1. At Frankfurt airport, look for signs for

2. If get lost, ask at the airport for
the Fern-Bahnof
or the place to buy tickets on the ICE train.

3. Buy two tickets for the InterContinentalExpress (ICE) train
towards Siegburg. There is a separate area where
you buy these from people, not machines.

The ICE train from Frankfurt airport
to Siegburg is about 65 euro. You
are able to pay with credit card.

4. Take a train that goes at 9 minutes after
every hour(this may be off track 6 -
need to confirm when we get there).

5. Ride ICE train for about 35 minutes
Siegburg the first stop.

6. Take a taxi (around 10am?) at Siegburg.

7. Go to hotel in Bad Godesberg. Hotel is
next to Media Tenor.

Media Tenor
Am Kurpark 7
53177 Bonn Germany

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