Tuesday, August 14, 2007

STC board mtg

Tuesday, August 14

Three people mentioned they would like to make a presentation at a high school.
Barb Philbrick, Amy Voigt, and Beth Troy.

1. Committee Highlights Since January 2007
- Recruited one new volunteer (Sarah Burke) to co-chair committee with Jeanette
- Began developing scholarship application and related materials
- Began developing academic program contacts database

2. Committee Goals for Fall 2007
- Finish academic program contacts database
- Finalize scholarship guidelines, application, and promotional materials
- Seek out volunteers to be scholarship judges
- Reach out to area technical communication-related programs to introduce them to STC and our chapter, for example, CSU’s certificate programs in science writing and technical writing and Kent State’s information architecture and knowledge management program
- Research the feasibility of and interest in starting a chapter academic outreach program to universities and high schools; program would focus on educating students about technical communication and attending career fairs (base program on the Central Ohio chapter’s Speakers’ Bureau)

3. Questions for the Board
- Is anyone interested in serving as a scholarship committee judge? Any suggestions for how to recruit judges?
- To encourage more students to apply (and to make the scholarship award more valuable to the awardee), the committee would like to offer one $1000 scholarship (versus the $500 already budgeted for). Would the board consider increasing our line item to $1000?

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