Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Einstein, faith, wells

In reading Her Way (off the NEW! shelves, again, at the Mayfield public library), I came across these two things I love.

Politics is harder than physics. This is a quote from Albert Einstein.

Faith means that when you fall off a cliff you either land safety on your feet on firm ground or learn to fly. This is something that the authors claim Hillary heard in her church in Park Ridge (which by the way is where I lived when I was in grade school - though not at all in the same neighborhood as Hillary).

Now, on to another unrelated item, the gas drilling going on in our neighborhood. This involves reopening the old well and proposed new wells in the park area near Hawthorne.

What impact will this have? Will areas in the park be cleared? What is the down side involved with drilling operation of wells in this neighborhood? Will be interesting to see if Cathy Murphy or anyone else in city counsel brings this up for discussion at counsel meetings.

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