Ted Koppel follows the lives of people transformed by their struggles with cancer. The documentary is followed by a live town meeting with a panel that includes Elizabeth Edwards. More than 10 million Americans are living with cancer. As early detection has become more prevalent and as treatments have become more effective, many cancer survivors are finding that they can treat their cancer as a chronic disease.
On Sunday, May 6, Discovery Channel presents a special three-hour broadcast of Koppel on Discovery dedicated to the discussion of living with cancer.
In Ted's Words
My analogy [of 24/7 news] is it's rather like standing 2 feet away from a railroad track and watching the trains go by. And, boy, you're close and it's exciting and there's a lot of energy and you really feel as though you're on top of it, but you can't for the life of you see what's going on. And if you really want to know what's going on, you've got to step back 10 feet, 20 feet, 50 feet, sometimes half a mile, so that you can see the locomotive and the caboose and everything that is in between.
The kind of programming we're going to be doing here at Discovery is stepping back, allowing a little bit of time to pass, so that people get a perspective on the importance of some events and the relative unimportance of other events, which seemed important only because they just occurred.
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