Saturday, September 8, 2007

Olds sold (to do)

Sept. 8 Rick sold the Olds after putting it in the driveway on Bishop and placing a FOR SALE sign in the window. Our answering machine was filled with people interested and someone (Ben) brought the cash out this morning. It's a nice way to be greeted back from vacation. :-)

Barb did an A-Plus job in handling the Labor Day rush of people wanting to see the Olds.

More things on my to do list:

1. Plan Rick's birthday party for Sept. 20
2. Take Ivy to vet on 9/11 at 3:45
3. Go to Avanti on 9/13
4. Go to dentist on 9/14

What Rick wants for his birthday party is sauerkraut and dumplings, probably thinking about the excellent sauerkraut we had on vacation. Plus, he wants a cherry pie. It's much better than a birthday cake.

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