Thursday, September 6, 2007


Paullander is a traditional German restaurant in Bad Godesberg. Our waitress did not speak English, which we found an exception throughout our travels in Germany. Making it through our menus was for the most part fun.

Sacha brought her German-English dictionary. While she normally gets by in German and is taking classes, she doesn't know all the words on menus, like, in this case, the word for liver, which was featured our last day for dinner at the Paullander. We did not order the liver but did all order our meal with SAUERKRAUT, which was outstanding. It is cooked for a long time I imagine and the flavor is vundervar (couldn't resist putting it that way). I want to try cooking sauerkraut for a long time when I get back home.

Shopping, by the way, in Bad Godesburg was fun. Woolen tights is something I have searched for at home and could not find. I never was happy with what I saw for woolen tights on the internet. But Bad Godesburg had them. I also enjoyed looking for candy and especially chocolate which was in ample supply throughout the shops in Bad Godesburg. Woolworths (gasp!) had a very good selection of candy.

Bad Godesberg - Bonn (Siegberg Banhoft) - Frankfurt Airport was our return itinerary. Instead of taking a taxi from Bad Godesberg to Bonn/Siegberg we used public transportion going through the Hauptbanhopf (main train station or maintrainstation) in Bonn.

Luftansa and Air Wisconsin (via Philadelphia) brought us home. The Lufthansa vegetarian option was an excellent noodle dish for lunch (a bigger meal than dinner) and veggie sandwich on very dark pumpernickle for dinner (the smaller meal than lunch).

On the flight the documentary about the pandas in DC that was shown was really very good. Oceans Thirteen was the first Oceans movie I ever saw. It was ok. I like watching Matt Damon. I like Ellen Barkin and thought she was very good. The story was ok with Denero and Gould an interesting touch.

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